Angie Redmond Sophia Levens Lindsey Fudge Anke Jauregui Lauren Anderson Liz Koster Clarissa Miller Kimberly Erhardt
Flower Girls
Kate Redmond Ambria Scully Sophia Scully
Tommy Scully Jason Levens Travis Martin Matt Conner Phillip Licciardi Eric Koster Gareth Ables Dan Trout Michael Simpson
Jack Redmond James Scully
The average temperature is a perfect 80 degree+ per day. A light sweater or jacket may be necessary at night. The rest of the time, wear plenty of sunscreen.
The main event is on Saturday, February 21, at 5:30pm will be followed by dinner and dancing under the stars, with a farewell brunch on Sunday at 10:00am.
Our wedding ceremony and reception on Saturday evening invites you to wear your best “chic” beach attire.